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Compounds | Reactions | Production
Atomic: M.A.C. | Reference
Diagrams: Shell | Atomic Radius | Electron || Images
Isotopes of Californium
Californium has no stable isotopes.
Although californium does not occur naturally on Earth, the element and its decay products occur elsewhere in the universe. Their electromagnetic emissions are regularly observed in the spectra of supernovae.
Notable Isotopes show graph
248Cf [150 neutrons]
Abundance: synthetic
Half life: 333.5 days
Decay Energy: ? MeV
Decays to ?.
Half life: 333.5 days [ Alpha Decay ]
Decay Energy: 6.361 MeV
Decays to 244Cm.
249Cf [151 neutrons]
Abundance: synthetic
Half life: 351 years
Decay Energy: ? MeV
Decays to ?.
Half life: 351 years [ Alpha Decay ]
Decay Energy: 6.295 MeV
Decays to 245Cm.
250Cf [152 neutrons]
Abundance: synthetic
Half life: 13.08 years [ Alpha Decay ]
Decay Energy: 6.128 MeV
Decays to 246Cm.
Half life: 13.08 years
Decay Energy: ? MeV
Decays to ?.
251Cf [153 neutrons]
Abundance: synthetic
Half life: 898 years [ Alpha Decay ]
Decay Energy: 6.176 MeV
Decays to 247Cm.
252Cf [154 neutrons]
Abundance: synthetic
Half life: 2.645 years [ Alpha Decay ]
Decay Energy: 6.217 MeV
Decays to 248Cm.
Half life: 2.645 years
Decay Energy: ? MeV
Decays to ?.
253Cf [155 neutrons]
Abundance: synthetic
Half life: 17.81 days [ beta- ]
Decay Energy: 0.285 MeV
Decays to 253Es.
Half life: 17.81 days [ Alpha Decay ]
Decay Energy: 6.124 MeV
Decays to 249Cm.
254Cf [156 neutrons]
Abundance: synthetic
Half life: 60.5 days
Decay Energy: ? MeV
Decays to ?.
Half life: 60.5 days [ Alpha Decay ]
Decay Energy: 5.926 MeV
Decays to 250Cm.